Accepting Applications - NIH-funded research training and education for medical students

Program Description
The University of Washington’s Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery is fully dedicated to training the next generation of academic surgeons who seek to improve healthcare through scientific curiosity, innovation, inquiry, and public sharing of data and ideas. 

We offer a NIH funded opportunity (R25) for medical students who: have completed their first year of clinical training (MS3); are intending to apply for an Otolaryngology residency; are seeking a career as a surgeon-scientist; and are a US citizen or a lawful permanent resident. This 9-month long research training and education period takes place on the Seattle campus. It involves both mentored research and structured research didactics, discussions, and workshops, including training in grant writing. We provide a stipend and funds for travel to present your research, as well as support for your research project, training, and education. We may also offer clinical clerkship/sub-internship training in Otolaryngology at either the start or the end of the 9-month period, as available.

R25 Program Directors
Dr. Jenny Stone, PhD
Dr. Jay Rubinstein, MD, PhD
Dr. David Horn, MD, Msc

Application deadline: March 1 

Recommended schedule:
Reach out as soon as possible to the program directors above and cc Dr. Emily Marchiano They will discuss your interests, gauge your candidacy for the program, and, if appropriate, start you on the process of identifying a primary research mentor. Then, you will work with your mentor to define your project, generate the 5- page application, and submit the application to the program directors by the deadline.