Medical Students


Interested students may elect to take either a 2-week or 4-week clerkship rotating at any of the affiliated hospitals (Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, Pacific Medical Center, Veteran's Administration, University of Washington Medical Center).

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (OTO-HNS) encompasses both medical and surgical management of the head and neck. The field includes all aspects of the airway, digestive tract, sinus disease, ear disease, head and neck cancer, and reconstructive surgery. The clerkships offer exposure to all areas of OTO-HNS. Specific emphasis can be selected by the student with their choice of a particular site of practice.

The 2-week clerkship is designed for students who want an introduction to the field, while the 4-week clerkship is designed for students who want in depth exposure to the specialty.

Rotations at UW Hospitals (UWMC, Harborview, Seattle Children’s Hospital, and the Veteran’s Hospital) offer an exposure to subspecialty practices. Rotations at non-UW Hospitals offer a more general practice experience.


Completion of the HuBio series. The clerkship is open to 3rd and 4th year students. Medicine and/or Surgery required pre-requisite clerkships. Exceptions can be made for special circumstances of a student’s schedule.

Available Clerkships

The department offers 2 and/or 4 week clerkship rotations in Seattle at Harborview, UWMC, VA Puget Sound, and Seattle Children’s Hospital. There are also several rotations offered at sites in the WWAMI region.

Please visit the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Catalog here for a complete listing of courses offered and to view availability, visit E-Value.  For questions, please contact the otolaryngology clerkship administrator at

Observation and Shadowing

The Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery department has observation and shadowing opportunities at UW Medical Center, Harborview Medical Center, and Seattle Children’s Hospital. It is the observer's responsibility to identify a provider to host them before submitting an application. If a provider has not been identified prior to the decision to observe, the observer may contact to discuss setting up an observational experience. Please note neither the Medical Director's Office nor the Chief Nursing Officer's office will assist in matching prospective observers with providers.

How to Apply


Clerkships are arranged through the University Of Washington School Of Medicine. Students may select a course in the Time Schedule to register. Curriculum inquiries are directed to Sandy Pomerinke, 206-616-7063.

For Otolaryngology specific information, contact the Otolaryngology-HNS Department Clerkship Coordinator at 206-543-5662.


Visiting students must apply through the visiting student program. There are additional requirements for international students; this information is available on the visiting student website.


Clerkship Program Director: Emily Marchiano, MD

For general inquiries please contact the Otolaryngology-HNS Department Clerkship Coordinator at

University of Washington
Box 356515 Health Sciences Building
Suite BB1165
Seattle, WA 98195-65l5
Phone: (206) 543-5230
Fax: (206) 543-5152