Susan Norton, PhD


All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.


Susan Norton, Ph.D., CCC-A, joined the University of Washington faculty in 1991. She is a professor in the Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery and an adjunct professor in the Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences. Dr. Norton is the chief of audiology programs & research at Seattle Children's Hospital. She earned her Ph.D. in hearing science from the University of Washington and completed an NIH post-doctoral fellowship at Boys Town National Research Hospital. Her passion is early diagnosis and intervention for children with hearing loss.

Current CV


Undergraduate Education: University of Denver, Denver, Colo., 1971

Graduate Education: University of Washington, 1982

Fellowship: Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, Neb., 1984

Memberships: American Academy of Audiology, American Auditory Society, Association for Research in Otolarngology, Cochlear Implant Alliance, Acoustical Society of America

Clinical Interests

Pediatric cochlear implants, pediatric audiology


Research Areas

Research Focus

Pediatric hearing loss