Hearing and Balance

Our faculty are highly engaged in research to uncover new strategies for improving hearing and balance function. The Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center is associated with the Department of Otolaryngology and is one of the nation’s leading sites for research and education related to hearing, hearing loss, balance, disequilibrium, and related communication disorders. 

Hearing Loss/Ototoxicity/Hair Cell Regeneration:

  • Gavriel Kohlberg, MD
  • Bonnie Lau, PhD
  • David Raible, PhD
  • Ed Rubel, PhD
  • Jennifer Stone, PhD
  • Yoshiko Kojima, PhD
  • James Phillips, PhD
  • Jay Rubinstein, MD, PhD

Cochlear Implants (adult and pediatric):

  • David Horn, MD
  • Jay Rubinstein, MD
  • Kathleen Sie, MD

Faculty researchers

Support Our Work

We greatly appreciate donations to help fund the advancement of our specialty through patient care, education, and scientific exploration. All donations received directly impact patient care at all levels.